Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

Climate collapse, as envisioned by Bayo Akomolafe, is a multidimensional unraveling of the intricate web of life that transcends mere atmospheric disturbances and temperature shifts. It is a profound existential crisis that touches the very essence of our shared being, a symphony of interdependencies disrupted by our relentless extraction, exploitation, and disenchantment. Climate collapse is not just about polar ice melting or sea levels rising; it is about the unraveling of stories, cultures, and dreams, and a disintegration of the relationality that binds us to the more-than-human world. In the face of such a cataclysm, we are called to reimagine our place in the cosmos and to listen deeply to the earth's myriad voices, finding new myths, meanings, and alliances in the ruined landscape.

See also: climate change, climate justice, climate chaos, late-stage capitalism, human being

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